Scrapbooking Expo!

Me and Kami went down to St. George again this weekend for the Scrapbooking Expo! We of course found some awesome deals! It was nice to have some new options other then Roberts. Right now my scrapbook is pretty much an "Ode to Roberts", so I'm excited to get some new things going. When we got home we stopped by my parents house, and my mom wanted to see what we rounded up. Then my mom, in true Mary fashion, took some pics! (thanks mom love ya) Click *HERE* to see all our loot! It was a great time and I'm sure Shay is pretty excited I got some good points on his Cabela's card! I figure I'm doing him a favor!


Danon & Bree

Looks like you are having tons of fun going to the expo and Thriller! Thriller is THE BEST! I gave up scrapbooking... it was too overwhelming! But I wish I would start up again! Someday! Have fun!

Brian and Megan

I'm jealous! My scrapbook has not had any attention since I got pregnant! Terrible. I need to start scrapbooking these cute pics of Gavin! Looks like tons of fun!

D Bulloch

Hey cute blog. Im glad you have one. Derek and I have wondered what you have been up to.

Nicole DeMille

Okay whit... you have to tell me how to put that counter thingy that shows you when people have updated their blogs. Every time I check out blogs I go straight to yours to see who has updated. If you would help me out it would be much appreciated. P.S. next time I want to go to the scrapbook expo too. It looks like you guys made a haul.

Love this game

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